The Three-Fold Path

Author: Electron Stories /

Avatar: Jim
Form and Function: The train embodies complete order, enlightenment only through specific knowledge, and the immutability of the past. The train ferries its occupants to where they should be, rather than where they wish to be. Those that seek this path find themselves with too many choices or none at all.

Avatar: Randy
Form and Function: The taxi embodies balance, enlightenment through guided personal experience, and the mutability of the present (within reason). The taxi ferries its occupants to where they want to be, eventually, though they may take the passengers to a few other places first. Those that seek this path know their final destination, though not the steps needed to reach it.

Avatar: Robert
Form and Function: The alleyway embodies complete freedom, personal enlightenment, and the power to completely shape the future. The alleyway can take the traveler anywhere they wish, as long as they know path to get there. Those that seek this path know where they wish to go and how to get there.


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