Val's new subterranean bordello is now open for business and already the talk of the town. With its low prices and high quality, there are few who can deny its draw. Here is but a peek at the grandeur one may behold upon entering its opulent halls.
The Shaft
Author: Electron Stories /But in the mean time...
Author: Electron Stories /
2 Days Later...
Strangers around the mine.
Strange uniformed men have been seen around the mine area during dusk and dawn. These men possess rifles, though they have yet to fire them, and flying packs. These packs have been seen to jet flames to create upward force, and the wings allow them to glide. They always are able to jet away when approached, or shot at. The uniforms seem to resemble that of the Royal Dragoons.
4 Days Later...
With the loud rumble of his motorbike's
engine, the uniformed man sped into the center of Temperance. Coming
to a stop, he dismounted his bike with a practiced ease before
reaching into his saddle bag to remove a hammer, nails, and a poster.
He strode up to the door of city hall, and with two swift strikes, he
hammered the poster onto the unmarred vermillion door. With his work
done, he remounted his motorbike and roared out of town, kicking up a
rooster tail of dust. Sitting on his porch Ol' Keegan grumbled, “What
the hell are the Royal Dragoons doin' 'ere?”
Upon the poster was written:
Royal Decree -
The agitator known
simply as 'Adam' has been named an enemy of the crown. His actions
and speech continue to injure the kingdom, and bring strike to its
once peaceful atmosphere. By his divine right as monarch, Ol' King
Cole orders that all loyal citizens work to apprehend 'Adam' and turn
him over to his Royal Dragoons. Those who do not actively seek to
oust this enemy of the people will considered complicit in his
continued crimes. Those who wish to act against this brigand only
have ten (10) days to commit to action, after which his Royal
Dragoons must involve themselves. Those who successfully bring the
criminal to justice will receive their weight in gold.
6 Days Later...
People take refuge in the night as
a brute stalks the night, murdering those unfortunate women to
encounter it. With its sixth victim in as many days, the informed
ask, “Who shall protect us?” The newly appointed head of
Temperance's Regulators, an Alistair Revivisco, has stated, “Without
a central authority of law in this town, we are offering our services
until the murderer is found.” While it has not been confirmed that
the women were involved in unscrupulous activities, there are rumors
that many of them were about the night to engage in immoral
activities. Though they may have been about the night cattywampus,
they did not deserve to be defaced with what appears to be a razor.
The list of the victims are as follows, may God give rest to their
Lavinia Fisher
Jane Toppan
Delphine LaLaurie
Belle Gilford
Nannie Doss
Dorothea Puente
The Regulators have investigated the
scenes of all six crimes, and a source within the organization has
stated they have yet to find conclusive evidence as to the identity
of the murderer. They have employed numerous thaumaturgical
techniques without notable success. It is the unfortunate fact of this town that without a central law agency, these murders were largely unnoticed until a concerned citizen linked the six brutal slayings. Continued on A7
The last two nights have been quiet, with no new bodies appearing in the gutters of the street. Though the previous nights have gone unmarked by brutal murder, the people of Temperance have yet to breathe a sigh of relief. To help boost the moral of the city, Hedwig has opened a workshop where she will repair or replace any mechanical device at no or very low cost. With her incredible ability with all things mechanical, she has become a minor attraction in town, though this only extends to the daytime. She has asked the various important people in the city (the party members) if there are any things she might engineer and build for them.
10 Days Later...
Nefarious ghouls strike again in poor Temperance, disregarding the most sacred of our beliefs, the sanctity of the dead. Those poor doves who were murdered pitilessly in our streets, were once again harassed and disgraced when their bodies were stolen from Our Lady of Rest cemetery. The kindness of our local philanthropist was for not, as the six bodies of the poor ladies were disinterred and absconded with. With the aid of a Lady of Santa Muerta, the Regulators have yet to find the dastardly culprits. The Chronicle has interviewed numerous grave diggers and undertakers to bring our readers closer to the truth. Continued on A7.
12 Days Later...
A titanic and strange structure has appeared 15 miles south of the city. The building itself is a 500ft tall sphere encompassed by two large barriers circled by hundreds of cypress trees. There is a small machine laden sarcophagus placed at the lower pole of the sphere. The design of the structure creates the effect of day and night. The night effect occurs when the sarcophagus is illuminated by the sunlight coming through the holes in the vaulting. This gives the illusion of stars in the night sky. The day effect is a massive armillary sphere hanging in the center that gives off a mysterious glow.
Darkened Life
Author: Electron Stories /
Whisper Crones
Dream War Veteran
Two Pit Sinners
Gnosis Monarch
Imago Implosion Victim
Steampunk Gadgets
Author: Electron Stories /Steampunk Gadgets all possess a Functionality rating between 1 and 10. The rating is rolled and the results are compared to the difficulties needed to activate a certain function. On the result of a botch the gadget shuts down and cannot be restarted for any entire scene.
Kelman's Amazonian Emporium
Author: Electron Stories /Amazonian Emporiums are franchised businesses that are set up in remote towns and provide goods that are normally not available in those areas. The emporiums only provide items not available in the town general store to avoid predatory competition. Items not currently available on site can be ordered and received within 1 to 3 business days through some sort of arcane delivery service. The Temperance store is owned by two brothers and two sisters by the last name of Kelman.
Shotgun Cane - $20
This metal barreled cane contains a single-shot shotgun. The shotgun
can be triggered either as a ranged attack or as part of a melee
attack. The player must decide before the roll to hit with the cane
in melee whether or not they wish to trigger a shot. Even if the
melee attack misses, the ammo is still expended.
Cane Damage: Str
+ 1L (+2L if the character has the ** Single Stick Martial Art)
Shotgun Damage: 8
Range: 10
ROF: 1
Ammo: 1
Pistol of Sahniel - $800 SOLD!!!
This pistol is linked to the demon Sahniel, a demon invoked for
protection by infernalists. This demon is a minor one within the
realms of Hell, and its power is small compared to the greater
demons. The Pistol of Sahniel was part of a the last batch made
before the end of the war.
Pedigree – This
pistol was assigned to Brigadier General Samuel Benton, during the
last stages of the war. He received the pistol as part of his
commission to his new rank, hence both the advanced nature of the
pistol and its Pact. The pistol was at the final major battle of the
war, the battle of Rogue Scythes. The general received a mortal wound
from a cadre of Pain Clerics in the final hours of the battle. The
pistol was returned to the family, and was sold to the Emporium.
Damage: 7
Range: 30
ROF: 3
Ammo: -
Connexio: 4
Sahniel's Cloak – Diff. 6
By spending a
blood point, each success reduce amount of damage successes against
him by one (before soak). Dampening affects aggravated attacks also
on a 2 successes to 1 damage basis.
Sahniel's Shield – Diff. 9
With one success,
she creates a 6" x 4" barrier in front of her that will
absorb up to five Health Levels of damage. Additional successes may
be used to increase the area (three feet per success) or to add
additional Health Levels (one per success). This power may only be
used once per scene.
Ether Slip Matrix Generator - $800
This backpack can
be used to partially slip the wearer into the 'Ether', allowing them
to avoid damage or incoming attacks. The backpack causes a soft-spot
in reality, allowing the meld through into both places.
Movement Penalty: -1
on all Athletics, Dodge, and Melee rolls.
Functionality: 5
Effects Duration: 1
Scene (May only have one effect active at a time)
Physical Displacement – Diff. 6
The field
subtracts 1 success from all incoming attacks directed at the
character for every success rolled on the functionality check.
Substance Displacement – Diff. 6
The field
subtracts successes from all physical damage rolls, such as from a
gunshot or stabbing. This does not protect from damage from heat or
electricity. The field subtracts 1 success for every success rolled
on the functionality check.
Distance Slip – Diff. 8
This allows the
user to teleport a certain distance depending on the number of
successes rolled on the functionality roll. For every success the
device allows the user to slip 20 yards as a move action. This slip
can be done through solid objects.
Gnosis Engine - $1000
This device has
two separate parts: the Prophecy Lizard tank and Gnosis Transference
Headgear. The Prophecy Lizard Tank contains the body of a Prophecy
Lizard, a desert dwelling lizard whose saliva and blood is used by
native tribes. The saliva and blood is a strong hallucinogen that
also produces a euphoric state. While under the effects of the fluids
the visual and auditory sensations often hold clues as to future
events. The tank is used to contain the body and distill the blood
and saliva into a highly potent form. Within the tank apparatus are
numbers thaumaturgic sensors that transfer the prophetic energies
into the headgear. The headgear transfers the prophetic energies
into the brain of the user, causing strong euphoric hallucinations.
The headgear provides the option to the user end the vision whenever
they wish.
A user may attempt
to use each power once per day. Any use beyond the first of the power
results in a temporary loss of 1 dot of Perception on a failed roll.
On a botch on the activation of any power, no matter the number of
uses, results in the temporary loss of 1 dot of Perception. Two
perception is lost if it is the second use of a power in a 24 hour
period. The Perception dots return 1 per day.
Functionality: 5
Minor Visions –
Diff. 5
engine provides you with a minor Vision. This can take the form of a
dream or meditation, or just an insight given you. The GM chooses
what he wants to reveal, and it can range from trivial to vital, as
he or she sees fit. It must apply to a future (not the current)
scene. Minor Visions prove truthful and accurate unless a being with
a Legend Rating takes actions to thwart or prevent it.
Search For A Sign – Diff. 7
You may determine
the better of two possible courses of action. Doing so takes 10
minutes of focus. You name two possible approaches to the situation
at hand, and then roll the Functionality Rating. Record the number of
successes you score. The GM decides which of those two paths is most
suitable to his or her campaign plans, and tells you the favorable
path. Every success becomes a bonus die that is set aside. You may
use those dice on any action while on that path, up to a number of
dice equal to the Functionality rating on any given roll. Doing so
is reflexive, and involves no effort or involvement on the part of
your character. Each bonus die may only be used once, then it goes
away. You may even use the dice to augment rolls made by other
characters, but you cannot expend more dice than your legend on any
one tick. Should the players for some reason decide to follow the
other path instead, the successes become bonus dice the GM can use to
boost villains and obstacles that stand against the PCs. Should the
two options the player presented have only trivial cosmetic
differences, the GM can apply the dice to both the players get one
pool of bonus dice to the things they are doing, but an equal pool of
obstacle dice is reserved to apply anytime they step even just a bit
outside the narrow path they created. Far better to pick two methods
that are dynamically opposed, so that the penalty dice can only be
invoked if you stray afar from the better path. To prevent potential
abuse, a few additional restrictions govern the use of this power.
Activating the power again wastes/eliminates any remaining dice from
previous uses, and dice from this power cannot be used on future
activations of this power. Lastly, all bonus dice go away at the end
of the session.
Foretelling The Messiah – Diff. 9
Gifted with
flashes of insight, you may predict that a particular PC or NPC holds
the solution to the problem at hand. This insight comes to you in a
vision while the player chooses who will fulfill the role of the
prophecy, the character does not (they see it as Fate itself having
chosen). In a later scene this same story, the player of the foreseen
character may announce that they are attempting to fulfill your
prophecy with their current action any action adds auto successes.
This bonus affects a maximum of 5 rolls per scene. The number of auto
successes is equal to the number successes made on the functionality
roll. You may only name one person to be your messiah at a time.
Using the power again immediately ends the effects of all previous
activations. You may name yourself as the messiah, but doing so
increases the difficulty by 1. Regardless of whether or not you ever
name yourself messiah, you may not indicate the same character in
back to back messianic prophecies. Someone else must have used the
bonus before you can give it to the same person a second time.
Shield Gauntlet $250
This gauntlet projects a kinetic or energy field around the wearer,
automatically reducing the damage of incoming attacks. However, the
gauntlet only functions if the character does not engage in sudden
movements, meaning it will only absorb incoming damage if the wearer
does not dodge or parry. The gauntlet may only have one power active
at one time.
Functionality: 4
Duration: 1 Scene
Reduction – Diff. 6
This ability reduces the damage of all incoming physical attacks.
Energy Reduction
– Diff. 6
This ability reduces the damage of all incoming non-physical energy
Pact Weapons
Author: Electron Stories /
Pact Weapons
During the later
periods of the Dream War, the Army of Heroes was being beaten at
every turn by the Others. It was decided by the leaders of the
various factions, that more potent weapons would be needed. As
thaumaturgical weapons had little effect on 'Dreamers', it was
decided that weapons should be created using the help of the two
great powers of the universe: Heaven and Hell. Since holy relics
could not be mass produced due to Heaven's lack of cooperation, Hell
was approached. Through the auspices of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford
a deal was struck with Hell. Thirty-nine major demons, and thousands
of minor demons, agreed to bind a small portion of their power to
firearms. At first, the firearms were required to be as primitive as
possible. However, midway through the process the Colt Firearms
company found a way to use the most advanced pistols and rifles
available. It was largely due to the use of these weapons that the
'Others' were driven back. After the war the weapons were supposedly
collected and placed in a sealed vault. The specifics of the pact
that was made in exchange for the power was only known to a handful
of individuals at the signing of the agreement.
Each firearm has a
Connexio rating, which is the measure of how close the weapon is tied
to its demon patron. A pact weapon may only have one power active at
one time. Every time the character makes an attack with the weapon,
the player may roll the Connexio rating. If the Connexio rating
succeeds, the next attack the gun makes also applies the demonic
effect. If the roll to attack fails to hit, the player must roll
again to reactivate the power.
Nergal's Pistol
Author: Electron Stories /
Pistol of Nergal
This weapon is
connected to the demon Nergal, and partially shares in his
pestilential power. Though the pistol only possesses greatly
diminished versions of his true power, it still is a powerful weapon
in the hands of a trained gunslinger. It is always warm to the touch,
and pulses faintly to the touch.
Damage: 7
Range: 40
ROF: 3
Ammo: -
Connexio: 5
Sharrapu’s Touch – Diff. 5
If the Cennexio roll succeeds, the
victim loses one dot each from his Strength, Dexterity and Stamina.
This loss lasts for one scene. Multiple Pestilence’s Touch do not
accumulate effects, either with each other or with higher-level
attacks from this weapon. Effects will accumulate, however, with
deleterious effects produced by other Disciplines and Powers.
Breath of Ereshkigal – Diff. 7
If the Cennexio roll succeeds, the
Breath of Ereshkigal reduces each of the victim's Physical Attributes
by one. The number of successes determines the duration of the
magical sickness:
1 success One scene
2 successes One night
3 successes Two nights
4 successes Four nights
5 successes One week
Multiple attacks can accumulate,
further reducing the victim's Physical Attributes, but only if the
subsequent attack has at least as many successes as the previous
attacks. Thus, if a player rolled three successes for the first
attack, a second attack would strip another dot from each Physical
Attribute only if the player rolled three or more successes on the
second attack, subsequent Breath of Ereshkigal attacks would need at
least four successes to increase the effect.
A vampire or ghoul can raise Physical
Attributes by expending vitae, and so counter Breath of Ereshkigal.
Raising all three Attributes back to their starting value completely
cures the magical illness. Then, however, the attacker can start over
again. Mortals must simply wait for the curse to run its course.
Shamash's Atrophy – Diff. 9
The victim may resist the effects of
Atrophy by scoring three or more successes on a Stamina + Athletics
roll (difficulty 8). Failure means the limb is permanently and
completely crippled. Partial resistance is possible: One success
indicates that difficulties involving the use of the arm increase by
two, though these effects are still permanent with regard to mortals.
Two successes signify that difficulties increase by one. Vampires and
other supernatural afflicted by this power may spend five blood
points or other supernatural pool to rejuvenate atrophied limbs.
Mortals are permanently crippled. This power affects only limbs (arms
and legs); it does not work on victims' heads, torsos, etc.
A View From Above
Author: Electron Stories /Meanwhile...
Author: Electron Stories /
In the following two weeks...
Split Fair {The Truth}...
- Marga has set up a meeting with the three other vampires in the area to speak about the feeding in the town.
- Ten Fan {Tan Fon Pengfei} has requested privilege of your company at your earliest convenience. He has asked that you meet him at his Lao She Tea Room, a well known opium den.
- The 'Bird Cage Theater' has entered into town, much to the chagrin of Big George. With it's thaumaturgic glow-tubes, illusion signs, and low prices on drinks and girls has driven business from Big George. He wants them gone.
- The Regulator company has been snooping closer and closer to the group.
- The Mayor has been asking about Adam and his relationship to the Empire.
- Adam's new orphanage has opened and now houses six children. Currently the orphanage has three employees
Bar Dog Talk {Rumor}...
- Ol' King Cole has called in all his outriders, he's lookin' to go to war with Emerald Kingdom.
- Judge has been seen hanging around town, he's supposed to be lookin' to be the new sheriff in these parts.
- The Mayor has been seen at night near the mine havin' strange conversations with giants pokin' up outta holes in the ground.
- The undertaker in town done went and asked the sisters of Santa Muerta for some help with some problems they been havin' in the grave yards.
- One of Yama's big ol' wolves has been seen skulkin' around town.
- Varuna has been callin' all the gunslingers and death dealers for a big talk about somethin'.
Transactions in the Dark
Author: Electron Stories /
On the outskirts of Temperance a new business has opened to serve the needs of the miners. The man who owns this fine establishment is an infamous gunslinger named Val.
Marianne - Daughter of a miner in the Mojave Kingdom, she left to find a new life in Temperance.
Olivia - She is fleeing some unknown danger in Angel City, and is tight lipped about her past.
Trixie - Now that she has dined upon the vitae of Val, her beauty has increased.
Rumor Mill / Drunk Saloon Talk.
Author: Electron Stories /
The Judge
- My pappy said he saw 'im when he was a boy, said he was seven feet
tall and pale as death. Top that off he had no hair!
- I heard he was a hero in the Dream War, killed himself a Sleep Butcher
with his bare hands!
- Nah, nah, he's an angel of death. Preacher man said he is the hand of
God's justice!
- Y'all are full of it! He done went down to Durango and found Our Lady
of Forces, she blessed 'im and that's why he so good at drawin' on
- Still it Papist! He went crazy in the war, he was a big damn hero,
but he just went nuts from all them Pain Cleric hexes he got hainted
with. Ol' King Cole found him out in the desert ramblin' on about God
and Angels. King Cole hainted him with that speech of his, and now
he's crazy on God.
- Nah, he got et up by one of those abortion swarms out in the desert.
He got lost cuz he was out sellin' bibles or some shit. There was
hardly anything left of him for one of those saw souls to put back
together. Now he's all hainted up, makin' im all fast and strong.
Shit, some say he don' even age!
'Ol King Cole
- I heard he was a general in the Red Chime Revolt on the side of the
Indigo Queen.
- That's a load of shit, that'd make him over a hundred fuckin' years
old. Nah, I heard he was sent 50 years ago by the 'ol Territory
Marshal, 'fore he got killed, to chart the eastern deadlands. He came
back after he learnt True Magic.
- Bullshit! He's just some kinda touched in the head fuckwit. I heard
he's missin' the bottom half of his face. He just learned some thaum
to make him talk all sweet.
- I heard he was one of Emperor Norton's marshals, 'cept he didn't
keep the empire together, and took California to himself.
- You one of them Nortonists? He's dead and he ain't comin' back to
fix the empire. Nah, he was just some nobody who found somethin' in
that Magic Holyland and used it to take California.
- I heard he got one of them Tele-whosits and he uses it to talk to
God whose actually livin' in a big castle in the Mojave Kingdom.
Welcome to Town
Author: Electron Stories /
You are here...
Do you know of the Empire?
Everyone, that is, but the Territories. Situated as they are on the wrong side of the red desert, they are beyond the reach of the Empress. So many imperial emigrants have stood where you now stand, weary traveler. Welcome to Temperance. Welcome to the Kingdom of California.
The town of Temperance sits just beyond
the red desert, nestled between hills veined with silver. The people
here tend not to be forward-thinking: they have consideration for
their basest needs, and silver to cover their expenses. Stained with
sweat-caked dirt, they drink their lives away in saloons and pass out
in clapboard shacks. In a place like this, the law is nothing more
than a suggestion that crumbles with the momentum of violence.
Over-glorified lean-tos rest against bordello mansions. Customers can
find pleasure, alcohol, drugs, and companionship just a few steps
from their doors. Those who overindulge – or argue with the wrong
person - end up as bloated corpses in the streets. They inconvenience
the living until they’re dragged away by those who profit from the
dead. This is Temperance. In darkness of these cruel spaces, fear even thrives in a handful of dust.
How did you get here?
Were you born in the Territories? On
this side of the Pandora, whose red sands stretch from horizon to
horizon. There are thousands of settlements ranging in size from tiny
shacks huddled around a well to bustling metropolises. Or perhaps you
are from away, fleeing the Empire and its oppressive regime. You
braved the Pandora desert, where direction becomes meaningless, where
the infinite sea of red sand is interrupted only by the bleached
remnants of those who came before you. Did you make it through that
unforgiving wasteland with the help of a Nacaal guide? Everyone who
comes from the desert has a different tale to tell: did they ask you
to wear a blindfold? Did they ask you to hold a rope? Did they ask
for payment? Did they take you where you wanted to go, or where they
wanted you to go? Why did they provide you with guidance? I’ve
heard them described as having the appearance of rainbows caught in
glass. Quiet as a winter night as well, so travelers say. No one has
heard so much as a footfall, let alone heard them speak.
And of course, they’re not the only
creatures to walk those dunes of red sand. Most people say the Nacaal
have travelers wear blindfolds so they’re spared the inherent hideousness to the place. Of course, that means the pilgrims are spared the
beauty as well – and perhaps that’s for the best. They say the
beauty can haunt you, that it makes all earthly color and allure become
meaningless in comparison. Did you keep your blindfold, or did you
peek? Did you see the horrid darkness that made reality nothing in
its wake? Did you hear as it spoke to something impossible? Did your
ears ring in its silence that called to far away things? People have
reported seeing things between the seams of the darkness, sights that
could only be described as 'other' or 'impossible'. Each vision
possesses a common thread: those pilgrims unlucky enough to catch
sight of those darkly beautiful abominations see themselves as if
from a distance. They see themselves fleeing, weeping, into the red
What relationship do the Nacaal have
with these things? Can anything definite be said about the strange,
quiet creatures, save that they sometimes guide travelers safely
through the desert? Nothing is known about them, and you’re not the
first to be abandoned at the gates of Temperance by them, without a
word or request for payment.
Do you know of the Empire?
Did you once walk those gray streets?
Did you look up at the cold, colorless sky of London, where ash falls
like snow? Did you brush shoulders with those human-looking Strangers
with colorful patches on their arms – men and women whose parents
were something Other? The Others – those the pamphlets warn
about. They’re the ones who are sent to the camps. The camps are
for your protection, of course. The camps where the monsters are
chained, caged, and broken – if the creatures had their way, they
would feed on the innocent without compassion or guilt.
And then there are the Purified. Said
to be more than human and less than alive. They are the chosen
protectors of Empress Victoriana, bless her holy name. The Purified
stand by her and keep order in the camps. They police all the states
of the empire, some of which were sovereign countries before the
empire turned its gaze toward them. Some of them, the newer
acquisitions, still retain some of their original outlander
“culture”. Don’t worry. The empire will take care of that. The
empire takes care of everyone.
Everyone, that is, but the Territories. Situated as they are on the wrong side of the red desert, they are beyond the reach of the Empress. So many imperial emigrants have stood where you now stand, weary traveler. Welcome to Temperance. Welcome to the Kingdom of California.
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