The Judge
- My pappy said he saw 'im when he was a boy, said he was seven feet
tall and pale as death. Top that off he had no hair!
- I heard he was a hero in the Dream War, killed himself a Sleep Butcher
with his bare hands!
- Nah, nah, he's an angel of death. Preacher man said he is the hand of
God's justice!
- Y'all are full of it! He done went down to Durango and found Our Lady
of Forces, she blessed 'im and that's why he so good at drawin' on
- Still it Papist! He went crazy in the war, he was a big damn hero,
but he just went nuts from all them Pain Cleric hexes he got hainted
with. Ol' King Cole found him out in the desert ramblin' on about God
and Angels. King Cole hainted him with that speech of his, and now
he's crazy on God.
- Nah, he got et up by one of those abortion swarms out in the desert.
He got lost cuz he was out sellin' bibles or some shit. There was
hardly anything left of him for one of those saw souls to put back
together. Now he's all hainted up, makin' im all fast and strong.
Shit, some say he don' even age!
'Ol King Cole
- I heard he was a general in the Red Chime Revolt on the side of the
Indigo Queen.
- That's a load of shit, that'd make him over a hundred fuckin' years
old. Nah, I heard he was sent 50 years ago by the 'ol Territory
Marshal, 'fore he got killed, to chart the eastern deadlands. He came
back after he learnt True Magic.
- Bullshit! He's just some kinda touched in the head fuckwit. I heard
he's missin' the bottom half of his face. He just learned some thaum
to make him talk all sweet.
- I heard he was one of Emperor Norton's marshals, 'cept he didn't
keep the empire together, and took California to himself.
- You one of them Nortonists? He's dead and he ain't comin' back to
fix the empire. Nah, he was just some nobody who found somethin' in
that Magic Holyland and used it to take California.
- I heard he got one of them Tele-whosits and he uses it to talk to
God whose actually livin' in a big castle in the Mojave Kingdom.
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